Due to the increasing importance of autonomous systems in everyday and safety-relevant applications, the open source middleware ROS (Robot Operating System) is becoming more and more important. In this context we offer application development and integration services as well as user training for beginners and advanced users.
The time period, the place of execution as well as the contents to be covered are agreed upon together with our client. However, it is very important to us to fulfill the teaching mission and to make the training as interactive as possible. For this reason, in addition to vivid simulations and professionally prepared teaching materials, we also rely on a number of demo devices, which we bring to the training to explain topics such as packages, nodes, services, action services, etc., as well as the integration in ROS.
To learn about the functionality and advantages of ROS and ROS based systems and
in the scientific environment.
1. ROS architecture and basic concepts
- Introduction Linux, Ubuntu
- Messages, topics, services, actions, nodes
- Customized message types, logging and packaging
- Catkin Build System
- Debugging strategies
2. logging and replaying data
- Rosbags
- Message data in ROS bags and simulation time
3. modeling and coordinate Frames
- Modeling robots in ROS, e.g. URDF/XACRO
- handling of coordinate frames with tf
4. simulations
1. gazebo
- Simulation description format SDF
- Robot and world modeling
- Robot definitions and Protos
- Robot and world modeling
1. navigation
- Mapping and localization
- Autonomous navigation for wheeled robots in indoor environments
- Autonomous navigation for robots with legs and in outdoor environments (on request)
2. manipulation
- Arm kinematics
- DH parameters
3. control
- real robot control with ROS Control
4. regression tests
- Unit tests
- Node tests
- Integration tests
5. learn more with ROS
- UDEV rules
- Plugins and Nodelets
- How to improve ROS -Integration of third party components
6. ROS Matlab toolbox
- Verification and simulation of ROS Matlab (ROS Toolbox)
For 5 - 6 people in 2 - 5 days depending on the chosen content.
Methods of implementation
- Transparency / overview of the process at the beginning of the educational measure
- Comparison of the goals of the educational measure and the expectations of the participants/participants
- Appropriate alternation between input and interactive elements
- ->70% interactive methods, integrate practical work if possible
- Feedback to the participants, e.g. on concrete exercise examples
- Review of the seminar (flashlight round etc.)
- Real robot training on request.